Not only is our equipment a best fit option in specific scenarios, it is a complementary option in general when applying the logistics of leap-frogging to a project schedule.
In the example below we use TC90 cranes deployed with HWU. When using modular cranes to provide lifting support in moving HWU from platform to platform the logistics of “leap-frogging” are applied to both advance the project schedule, and reduce costs.
- Say 2 units of Thunder Cranes TC90 modular crane are deployed to provide lifting support on offshore platform. One TC90 unit is installed on platform A to lift modular HWU and support lifting requirements during HWU operations.
- Just a few days before the HWU unit on platform A is to be moved to another platform (say platform B) once the job on platform A is completed, rigging up the second TC90 crane on platform B will save precious time to receive the HWU unit from platform A and rig up the HWU on platform B.
- If the same crane from Platform A is to be used on Platform B, the HWU unit will require to be on stand-by while the crane from Platform A is to be rigged up, inspected and ready to be used on Platform B.
- HWU day rates are high, and when working over a large number of wells over multiple offshore platforms each HWU day saved over duration of the P&A campaign adds up.
- The TC90 crane on Platform A can now be rigged down, moved out and rigged up on another platform (say platform C) ready to receive another HWU unit.

The example above can be applied to other scenarios involving combinations of HWU, Rigless Pulling/Jacking Units, CTU, Wireline, Platform cranes, Lift Vessels, and so on.
- Complement & supplement platform cranes where maximum efficiency is required. The Modular Crane does this by eliminating dependency on fixed platform crane, and reduces NPT for client with platform crane free to perform routine tasks for day to day operations.
- Complement & supplement lift vessels. Crane barges/vessels can lift us on a platform and move to another, allowing both platforms to be worked simultaneously.
- Complement & supplement HWU and/or Rigless Pulling/Jacking Units in plug and abandonment campaigns.
- Reduce total project costs by saving time.